HAT Microserver
The HAT Microserver is a technology that consist of:
1\. HAT web server and APIs
Each HAT Microserver has its own API. These APIs are configurable i.e. it can
be for a namespace, a few data attributes within a namespace or a combination
of data attributes across namespaces. Data Debit capacity (making an API
available) is written into each API.
2\. HAT database
Each PDA owner owns a HAT database and own the rights to the contents of the
Data is placed in a folder, or ‘namespace’ within the database. These are
separated and ordered according to data sources, so that (for example) Spotify
and Facebook data is placed into individual Spotify and Facebook namespaces in
the HAT database.
Each HAT database contains a data schema, allowing for the storing of an
individual’s data from any source without losing the structure specific to the
source, while at the same time enabling the individual to relate their data to
a context, providing a common semantic structure for third parties to use such
HAT Database Namespaces
The namespace identifies where an application will have read and write access.
It's similar to what a "folder" is in operating systems. All operating systems
have a root user folder in which users can read and write data. Usually that
folder has many subfolders, created by the operating system, such as Images,
Music, Videos, Documents, Downloads etc. Similarly, namespace is the root
folder for the application. The application has read and write access and is
able to structure the data in subfolders.
Namespace is integral to applications as every application is required to
specify one upon creation. During the application creation process the
application is given read and write permissions to the specified namespace.
This allows the application developer to structure the data in a way that
meets the particular business needs of the application. It also ensures data
integrity on the HATDeX Platform. This integrity is maintained as applications
read and write data into their own namespace therefore eliminating the
possibility of duplicates and enforcing applications to only write to their
own namespace.
3\. File storage system
Unless rendered into text based data, files cannot be stored in the HAT
Database. These files are held in the S3 storage system offered by AWS and
managed by Dataswift.
4\. HAT Computation
HAT Computation enables the creation of private analytics and “AI” for the
personal data stored within the HAT database, generating new, shareable
insights from potentially sensitive data the individual may not be willing to
share directly.
HAT Computation is built around the framework of serverless functions and
provides an environment where third-party code written in a number of
different languages can operate on HAT data, e.g. using pre-trained AI models,
and contribute the generated information back into HATs and without an ability
to leak the data to third-parties. The generated data (insights) is then
available for acquisition via Data Debit process.
The HAT Microserver enables individuals to have data rights only. It sits
within the overall “Personal Data Account” that enables data mobility,
exchange and control.
PDAs support a notion of custom data "combinators", with the key feature being
data transformation. It allows for remapping, combining, ordering, and
filtering to harmonise output of datasets with varying provenance.
Last updated: 5 years ago