HR Portability Case Study: Edarione
# Empowering human development across organisations
> We have been searching for a way for our candidates to have portability of
> their data and documents across the different organisations we recruit for.
> Many of these documents are sensitive e.g. visa documentation that we assist
> candidates on. The PDA is ideal for our purposes. We love that it is not
> only private, secure and with our candidates in control, the fact that we
> only need to query it and not having to store it, while always having access
> to it when needed (because the candidate have given us permission to) is a
> bonus. We could then focus on making our service better instead of fretting
> about the personal data infrastructure we had to put in.
## Why
Human Development often happens within an organisation that a person joins,
Real human development, however, is about growth and learning across
organisations. If we had a holistic, industry approach to human development,
every organisation would benefit from the people who join them, at different
stages of their careers.
## What
At, Edari, we believe in empowering Human Capital to unlock the potential of
industry. That means having continuing relationships with the candidates we
recruit for our clients, being a stakeholder in their development and growth
that would be beneficial across their chosen industry. It means that Edari can
be responsive to both the need of our clients when they grow, as well as the
needs of our candidates.
## How
Edari uses the Dataswift Personal data accounts for our candidate portal so
that candidates can store their documents and data; giving permissions on what
data and which document to share with organisations as and when they want to,
and having a track record of their own personal development in one place and
in their full control .
Last updated: 5 years ago